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Blog entry by Michael Withrow

Recycling A Laptop - Environmental Reasons Why You Should Dispose Of Your Laptop Correctly

Recycling A Laptop - Environmental Reasons Why You Should Dispose Of Your Laptop Correctly

Greening Greenpoint

The answer is air, earth and water. So what is the question? The question is: when all is said and done, what is the environmental movement all about? It's about air, earth and water. One cannot reflect very long on the natural world without noting that any number of other natural resources relate to the supply and quality of air, earth and water. Trees, for example, are threatened by floods and drought. They also contribute to good air quality, making them part of the discussion. Fish are part of the discussion of water quality. Plants and crops are woven into the concerns about ground quality.

irish-setter-dog-close-up.jpg?width=746&format=pjpg&exif=0&iptc=0In Santa Monica there is a big push to do this by the city, yet amazingly enough the Santa Monica Bay is polluted because the sewer treatment plant overflows about twice per year. Worse, surfers are warned not to go in and no one dares eat the fish. But this has nothing to do with car wash fundraisers.

A BP spokesman actually said BP succeeded in using chemical dispersants to break up the oil so it would collect on the ocean floor. Is this success? Experts say they do not know the danger of these chemical dispersants as related to being on the bottom of the ocean. Why? Because it is an experiment of sorts to try something to keep the oil from further damaging the ocean, wildlife and upending the lives of so many people. This huge gamble shows BP PLC did not have an effective back up plan that could be implemented immediately.

Now, what is a business prepared to spend on products and services to ensure they are compliant with WorkCover's enforceable guidelines? (Now there's a mouthful).

Eat organic foods and support organic farmers - especially those farms in your local area. The health benefits should be a good enough reason, but include the Greening Greenpoint reasons and eating organic is a must.

The first step you need to take is to identify which effort would you like to focus on. It could be on planting trees, clearing the wastes or participating in a river cleanup act. You should do this because you'll find it easy to think of a solution by focusing in one project only. You will need to avoid juggling too many task at one time. This does not mean that you have to limit yourself in one particular area for your entire life, but just do one project at a time. Say this month is for the river cleanup act then another for the next month.

Laptops in particular can be extremely harmful. Besides the amount of resources that it takes to build a laptop there are severe environmental implications to disposing of these on a landfill site.

It's recommended that you choose a group that addresses the issues that you're the most passionate about. This way, you'll truly have an interest in the group and you'll make more of an effort to support them. Once you choose the group you want to be a part of, contact them to find out what steps need to be taken to become a member. You may even want to go to a few meetings before you make your final decision. Once you're sure you've found the right environmental yard group, you're ready to sign up.

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